Val’s work

Most recently I have inevitably been inspired by our new location on the Ile de Ré. The sea and seaside have always featured in my work, but they are more and more present in the lithographs, collagraphs, mixed media Sea Sketch series and Digital print photomontages which are embroidered.

{:fr}My latest work with digital print and stitch  with Women and flowers as the subject matter, integrating the forms to speak about feminity and fecundity: click on images to view side show.

My passions as always are colour, light, composition, threads, my sewing machine and drawing with pastels water colours, dyes and paints. A small sketchbook is always in my bag with water colours and pencils.  My subjects are the landscape and architecture of France, the ‘motif’ exists to explore the juxtaposition of colour, the effect of light and of composition. These are questions that require a response informed by thought and experience. The techniques used also require experience and control.

My embroideries and printed works are often inspired by colour drawings done ‘in the field’, and they retain the sensation and meaning of the moment. The embroidery is worked on  fabrics painted with dyes or surfaces created using digital print. These are slowly leading towards an abstraction of the esential elements.

Work in response to lace, women and flowers for the exhibition at the Carrefour Europeene de Patchwork in 2017

Working with papers, silk fibres and transparent medium have been a concern for the last five years, producing hangings, installations and sculptures of a more conceptual nature. Here the use of stitch is for a purpose, which may be decorative, but is more usually structural. For work of this type have a look in Silk and Lace.

In 2005 I started experimenting with collagraphy using Claude’s printing presses to create prints from composed and embroidered plates.

After several short courses in lithography from 2012 onwards, in 2020 we purchased our own lithography for the studio, the very beautiful press dating from 1850 can be seen in our gallery.

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