Designing with Photoshop Elements for Textile Artists

Course Dates: 28th April to 2nd May , ( 27th April to 3rd May 2025 in full board accommodation). 2nd to 6th September (1st to 7th in fill board accommodation) 2024

Photoshop Elements is a version of this vast programme conceived for non-professionals. The programme is comprehensive and can be purchased as a one-off, so no need to pay monthly!

In this course you will learn how to get what you want out of this programme, learn what questions to ask and how to get the answers that will be useful for you.

On the first day, we will look at what kind of photos could be useful on a walk around La Flotte, but you may also bring along your own photos (in a digital format). Firstly we will look at how to improve the basic qualities of the photographs: light, composition, colour etc. Then every morning we will look at different aspect of Photoshop Elements, including filters and layers. For each afternoon an image will be chosen to explore a given textile technique. Little by little you will learn how to look for and find your desired results. These images will inspire you to textile creation or by printing on a variety of surfaces they may become the base for your textile pieces.

  • Tariffs:  5 day Course 2024:
  • 950€ Full board own room
  • 890€ Sharing
  • 395€ Non-embroiderer sharing
  •  525€ course only
  • To book your course Please telephone  0033687848495 to talk about Your course choice

22nd to 28th June 2025

  • Tariffs:  5 day Course:
  • 975€ Full board own room
  • 910€ Sharing
  • 420€ Non-embroiderer sharing
  •  600€ course only

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